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Study Tour Group from Bad Boll – Germany Study Tour Group from Bad Boll in JLSS

A study-tour group from Bad Boll – Germany visited our school on Thursday 29 May 2009. The group was lead by Martina Waiblinger who was the editor of the Schneller Magazine for a long period. The tour-guide was Mr. Bassam Salhab a JLSS alumnus. The head of our boarding department, Mr. Martin Bernhard, received them and showed them around the school. They visited our various department and workshops. They later met the director of the school who briefed the group about  JLSS, its unique ministry, and the challenges facing it. The arrival of the group coincided with the first day of the yearly Fun Fair with all its excitement, fun,  and noise. So the group had the opportunity to experience JLSS on one of its very special days.
We thank Martina Waiblinger, Bassam Salhab, and all the members of the study-tour group for their kind visit, friendship, and support of our school.
Schneller School Name in Arabic
Johann Ludwig Schneller Schule

Education for Peace since 1860