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Adha Celebration 2014

ADHA Feast was celebrated on Thursday 2 October 2014. Boys from the vocational department lead the chapel service at 7.00 PM. The chant for the feast was first played on CD while all students Adha Celebration 2014 listened attentively. Then a short video of the story and meaning of Adha Feast was shown. Finally, the leader concluded with the prayer of the feast.
It was a very inspiring and educating celebration. The video was especially wonderful for teaching our students what Adha Feast celebrates.
A special dinner was prepared by our kitchen staff for the occasion. The traditional food and dessert for the feast were enjoyed by all students.
We thank the kitchen staff for the delicious meal they prepared. We especially thank the vocational students who lead the chapel service for their wonderful contribution.
We wish all our students, their parents, and all teachers, trainers, educators, and members of staff a blessed ADHA Feast.

Schneller School Name in Arabic
Johann Ludwig Schneller Schule

Education for Peace since 1860